Hey there. Reminder: I'm Tom Critchlow and this is my tinyletter where I talk about blogging, independent consulting, media strategy and a bunch of other stuff.
My interests right now consist mostly of: parenting, blogging & consulting - and this email is about all three! But first, the thing I'm most proud of - Roxy's first blog post
Roxy's First Blog Post
As you can imagine there's a lot of talk about blogging in our household - and my daughter (4) is old enough to over-hear and join in with those conversations. As such - she wanted to write her own blog post! We used a combination of typing (she wrote "
Roxy's first blog post" all by herself!), Google Docs speech-to-text and embedded audio files.
Check it out: disaster!
Roxy wanting her own blog post is one small example of "visible knowledge work". Because everyone is working from home now the lines between work / family / parenting / housework are melting away. Previously invisible knowledge work is now visible and legible for the whole family. I wrote about that for the latest
Yak Collective report: The New Old Home.
Quotebacks - A tool to quote the web
Over the past few months I've been working with Toby Shorin to build a small tool for bloggers. Toby and I are interested in exploring new models of networked writing and increasing the dialogue between bloggers.
It's a Chrome extension (Firefox coming soon!) that allows you to grab snippets of text from around the web and embed them on your site just like an embedded tweet. They look like this:
Read more about the extension in my launch post (or just
download the extension directly).
Let me know what you think!
Executive Sparring & "Tenure" for Indie Consultants

If you're an indie consultant you really should be subscribed to Venkatesh's newsletter
Art of Gig. It's one of the few meaningful sources of knowledge for indie consultants out there. So I was honored to get to write a guest post for Art of Gig - all about "tenure" for indie consultants and how the "executive sparring" mode of consulting fits in.
Read it here: sparring as tenure
I'm proud of how this piece came out - and I tease a few concepts that I'm going to be writing more about - namely the compound interest effect of thinking in public and how it's crucial for indie consultants.
Finally - these are troubled times, but hopefully times of change. My voice is a small one but I'll state it explicitly: Black Lives Matter. A few things I've found:
Much love,