Here's the thing. I've been thinking a lot about blogging recently - which, frankly, is probably far more interesting for me than for you. As the blogger - I'm the one receiving the benefits of the networked writing! You poor souls are just getting the words stuffed in your inbox each time.
Sorry about that. I'm going to start writing about things that are not blogging very soon. But - one last post! And I think it's a good one...
Small b blogging
In this one I write about my philosophy for networked writing and attempt to demonstrate how powerful writing with and for the network is even with small audiences (and audiences sure have changed in recent years!).
BUT! There's more for you special folks on the tinyletter list. See, here's my typical writing and publishing process for blog posts:
- Come up with a crazy idea (usually involving too much coffee)
- Write out a draft as fast as possible leaving in the typos and the emotion
- Send out the draft to a close circle of friends for candid feedback and suggestions for improvement
- Go through the soul crushing process of editing
- Publish
So you can see what I mean here - and so you can compare the original draft to the final piece - here's a link to the draft post complete with typos, comments, notes and more!
There's something interesting here - namely that by getting a small trusted group to review an early draft I get the following benefits:
- A better post! Obviously, since I get feedback and suggestions
- I get a close circle of folks to give a close and careful reading of the post
- I instantly get a small group of "insiders" who then usually go on to help promote the post
For them of course they get to feel like insiders and I sure listen to their ideas and suggestions too! (as you'll see from the draft...)
This idea aligns so well with "small b blogging" - the idea of small networks sharing ideas. Maybe you can adapt it for your own style of publishing?
Ok. I'm done meta-blogging for a while. Time to write about something else...! Till next time fellow hyperlink-adventurers!
With much love