There must be a theory on the internet that any blogger left alone to their own devices eventually starts a podcast right? Or perhaps the theory is that *anyone* left to their own devices will eventually start a podcast? Either way - here we are.
I've started a podcast with my friend
Sean Blanda. Sean is a great "content thinker"... ok, that came out wrong. I mean, he thinks deeply about content and what it means for the world we live in. If you don't know Sean then dive into
his archives. (Yes! of course he's a blogger).
Anyway - this podcast we started together is called
The Malcontents and it's going to be the two of us chatting about the digital landscape, the business models of content as well as occasionally goofing off about the web. Hopefully we'll keep it fun and informative. We've done two episodes so far:
Episode 1.
Episode 2.
We're using Anchor.fm to host and sometimes record the episodes which seems to be working ok and takes some of the headache away from us. You can subscribe hopefully everywhere you listen to podcasts:
I know the audio is a little rough here and there but it's genuinely fascinating how easy it is to get up and running with a podcast. Anchor let us record the first episode on the spur of the moment on my phone sat next to each other. Next, we'll see how easy it is to get the quality up to good enough! Come along for the journey.
Really keen for any feedback or advice on the show, what we should talk about, what we have talked about, or podcasting in general.
In other news - I wrote a little blog post this morning:
Some notes on blogging & resisting the hyperfeeds of BigSocial.
We're now up to 102 lovely Tinyletterer explorers. Deep in the internet jungle hacking through content hunting for treasure. Or some other analogy.
Anyway - thanks for sticking around and see you next time!
Much love