*Hey, it's me Tom Critchlow. Normally you can find me writing about digital media, indie consulting and so on but today's post is more personal. Back to regularly scheduled programming next tinyletter.*
My partner in crime Erin has been spending the last three years writing and illustrating a picture book for kids.
When our daughter was born the first instinct is just to hang on - to try and salvage some normalcy out of the chaos of parenting. But as Roxy got older you start to realize that they’ll grow into little humans, curious little humans. And that they learn mostly by watching, not through the “teaching” or “parenting” you do.
So we resolved to close the gap between who we were and who we wanted Roxy to see us as. In other words to put work into those things that mattered to us and to pursue the goals and projects that would align with who we wanted to be.
This might sound mushy but… Erin and I have carved out space for projects we really want to pursue. It's been a driving force for writing my book (
The Strategic Independent) - my writing is coming but it’s further behind - and Erin’s spent the last 3 years dedicating her art practice to writing and illustrating a picture book for kids. It’s beautiful!
The Kickstarter just launched:

It would mean a lot to me if you could
back the project, share it or just give a virtual high five. If you don't have kids yourself Erin's aiming to ship in time for the holidays so perfect for gifting!
How would you change the things you spend time on if your child was watching?
All my love